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        The use of worm gear cutting tool. Worm gear hob based worm (see worm drive ) type and important parameters should and task worm, worm wheel hob is often so special.

        When the diameter is larger, hob made set type; outside diameter is small the hob mandrel with one made with handle structure.

        非渐开线展成滚刀 任务原理与齿轮滚刀雷同。花键滚刀可用于加工矩形齿﹑渐开线齿或三角形齿的花键轴﹐其加工精度和消费率较成形铣刀高。非渐开线展成滚刀还可加工圆弧齿蜗轮蜗杆减速机电动滚筒﹑摆线齿轮和链轮等。
        Non involute generating hob task principle and gear hob. Spline hob can be used for processing rectangular gear, involute tooth or a triangular tooth of spline shaft, the machining precision and rate of consumption is forming milling cutter with high. Non involute generating hob processing can also be circular arc tooth worm gear reducer, cycloid gear and sprocket.

        定装滚刀 各齿齿形不同﹐只要最后一个齿是精切齿。齿形和工件的齿槽雷同﹐以成形铣削法切削工件的齿槽﹐因而定装滚刀必需绝对工件的轴线装置在固定的地位上。滚刀上其馀的刀齿都是粗切齿。加工时的静止关系与齿轮滚刀雷同。成形滚刀可防止用展成刀具加工时齿根部发生的过渡曲线。棘轮滚刀是罕用的定装滚刀。
        Fixed hob tooth form each different, as long as the last tooth is finishing tooth. Tooth and alveolar similar workpiece, to forming milling method of cutting a workpiece groove, thus fixed hob must absolutely workpiece axis arranged in a fixed position. Hob on the rest of the cutter teeth are roughing teeth. Processing of static and gear hob. Forming cutter can prevent generating tool for processing of tooth root transition curve of occurrence. Ratchet wheel hob is used fixed hob.
